Sunday, August 16, 2009

James Luther Dickinson

Jim Dickinson passed early on the morning of August 15th 2009. Jim's credits and influence on the music industry speak for themselves. If you are not familiar with his works or influence now would be good time to find out for yourself. To all of those who knew Jim, we all share the same loss, maybe in different degrees but as I have stated .."Gravity is a more powerful force today with his passing."

The Dickinson/Lancaster story is too long and yet not long enough. As he put it in his farewell letter, "Few will know and fewer will care-except those lonely people out there in their own night of desperation.
Put it in the red, old friend".

On Jim's 50th birthday we had a 3 day musical event, this was Jill's contribution to the publication that was issued in honor of the event

Somewhere in the Steaming Night......Africa?
In the heat. The smell of the wet earth

sweet and bitter

I'm searching, feelings Numbly on hands and knees
And always the Music.....
It's enough to change the taste in my mouth

Wild Dog
Spinning tales Rolling in Rhythm
I'm hanging on to every word,
Trying to remember

Hanging on.... Midnight Moon
Senses wide open.....RAW

And Always the Music.......


Emotions surface, the tape changes
Voodoo Music..... The Whip cracks !
Will the UFO land tonight?

Yo Mama?
My Mama?
Everybody's Mama....

He smiles, somehow sinister

The Fat Lady sings

And School is out !

Old you know.. It's always in the red!

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